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Welcome to Marches Counselling Service (MCS).
MCS is a membership-based organisation and there are several different membership types which are highlighted below.
All our members have voting rights at our Annual General Meeting and are also invited to attend our Quarterly Business Meetings and contribute to the growth and development of our charity.
Different types of membership include:
Board membership: These are those who voluntarily give their time to manage the overall finance and development of the service as Directors of the Company Limited by Guarantee and Trustees of the Charity.
Staff members: These are people who provide a service to the organisation which may be clinical or administrative. They may be paid at a sessional rate or offer their services on a voluntary basis, often on clinical placement from their training organisations.
Professional Associate members (PAMs): This group are already working clinically, independently of MCS. They can join MCS by paying an annual fee and can get involved in the development of the charity. PAMs also benefit by attending free CPD sessions and having a reduction in fees for other services such as supervision and study days.
Community members (Friends): People who share an interest in mental health and therapy, whether employees of other agencies, past clients, or simply members of the public willing to give some time to us in whatever capacity they can.
We send out regular newsletters to keep our members updated.
For more information on any of the above listed ways to get involved with us please get in touch.
Free quarterly meetings facilitated by members for focused clinical discussion.
Attendance at MCS organised workshops and study days for a reduced fee.
Fortnightly meetings for two hours in groups of four with a qualified supervisor to meet BACP standards.
An opportunity to consider how life and work is impacting upon us with a qualified group analyst.
An opportunity to think about the development of counselling within the community at MCS business meetings.
Volunteering with us could take several different forms as we have described above with the information on the different types of membership.
We welcome help from suitably experienced people, or those who are happy to learn as they go along.
Whether you have regular time which you could offer, or specialist skills and a half day or more to spare, please get in touch and we will be happy to talk with you about what might be possible.
Click on one of the tabs shown below for more information.
Service Director
The post is based in Hereford City with a combination of onsite and home working.
It is a self-employed position – PT flexible number of hours – £30,000 to £35,000 pro rata
Essential: Management skills in client centred practice
Job Purpose
To provide efficient direction for the delivery of a therapeutic service; primarily to ensure good communication and high standards of service to both clients and external organisations (eg. referring and funding agencies). The post holder will oversee the work of the operational and clinical management teams, support working groups, and take the lead in maintaining professional standards and facilitating the collection and analysis of data.
An informal meeting with the Clinical Director can be arranged to discuss the position before application. People with an element of flexibility to grow with the role would be strongly encouraged to apply, as this is an opportunity to contribute creatively to both the local community and the growth of the organisation.
A job description and person specification are available on request.
To Apply
Please submit a CV and covering letter (no more than 2 pages) detailing your suitability for this position according to the person specification, stating when and where skills and experience were gained. Applications without a covering letter detailing suitability, will not be considered. These should be sent to:
01432 279906
Volunteer Fundraiser
Here at Marches Counselling Service we know that counselling can change lives, but that the cost can prevent people from accessing the help they need. As well as fundraising from charitable trusts and big funders like the Lottery, we would like to raise our profile in Herefordshire and develop our local community fundraising. This could be from sponsorship, social events, business donations, online giving or any other way that will bring cash in to keep down the cost of counselling for those who need it most.
Finding volunteers with fundraising experience would be wonderful, but if you have some time, energy, ideas and want to make a difference we would love to hear from you. We are a small charity, based in Hereford, run on shoestring budgets, where everybody’s contribution is valued.
If you would like to join our fundraising group please contact us at admin@marchescounselling.org
01432 279906
57 St Owen Street,
Hereford HR1 2JQ
Available M-F, in person or online.
There is also some evening and weekend availability.