Vacancy : Service Director

For MCS, a Charity providing Counselling and Psychotherapy throughout Herefordshire and the Marches Based in Hereford City Combination of onsite and home working Self-employed position – PT flexible hours – £30,000 to £35,000 pro rata Essential: Management skills in client centred practice Job Purpose To provide efficient direction for the delivery of a therapeutic service; […]

Service Director We are looking for a new Service Director for MCS, a Charity providing Counselling and Psychotherapy throughout Herefordshire and the Marches. Based in Hereford City Combination of onsite and home working Self-employed position – PT – £30,000 to £35,000 pro rata Essential: Management skills in client centred practice Job Purpose To provide efficient […]
International Men’s Day focuses on men’s mental health

It’s International Men’s Day today, 19th November 2024. This year’s theme, “Positive Male Role Models,” emphasises the importance of promoting open conversations about men’s mental health and creating environments that support their growth and well-being. Here at MCS, we work hard to create a safe, private and confidential environment for people of any gender to […]
CPD Sessions and Study Days Announced

The cutest kitty will lash out when feeling trapped. This year we will be exploring how we work with the fears and anger which can colour all our lives, but particularly when we are feeling at our most vulnerable. We explore our own responses as well as what we might find in many of our […]
National Lottery Community Fund

The Trustees of Marches Counselling Service are delighted to announce that they have secured funding from the Big Lottery – Reaching Communities Programme. Over the next three years the funding will help expand our services into towns across Herefordshire. The Marches Counselling Service is developing relationships with organisations across Herefordshire who can refer clients who […]
MCS Coasters and Beer mats

We have produced these great beer mats which will be going out to local establishments soon. One local brewery has kindly offered to distribute them to the pubs across Herefordshire which they supply beer to. If you run a pub, restaurant or coffee shop in Herefordshire and would like some of these, let us know.
Work placement: Best practice

Here at MCS, we endeavor to keep up to date with the latest in good practice and support our counsellors with their personal development. As such, we’ve built up a large collection of publications in the field of psychotherapy and related subjects. This week, we are lucky enough to have a sixth former here on […]
Movement, Music and Mindfulness

Professor Mark Williams, former director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, says that mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. “An important part of mindfulness is reconnecting with our bodies and the sensations they experience. This means waking up to the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the present moment. […]
Mental Health Awareness Week May 2024

This week, until 19th May, is Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme is moving more for your mental health. It’s really important to find time for movement every day whether it’s doing more at home in your house or garden, taking the stairs instead of a lift, parking a little further away in a car […]
Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising We are now registered with easyfundraising, which means our supporters can raise FREE donations for us every time they shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us when our supporters use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost. You can find our easyfundraising page at: The link will […]