CPD Sessions and Study Days Announced

The cutest kitty will lash out when feeling trapped. This year we will be exploring how we work with the fears and anger which can colour all our lives, but particularly when we are feeling at our most vulnerable.  We explore our own responses as well as what we might find in many of our clients, as they try and navigate a world which has been feeling increasingly challenging for many.
Programme Sept 2024 – July 2025

Our Quarterly CPD sessions take place 10.00 – 12 noon on a Saturday

September 14th: 
Expecting the Unexpected – our annual session on risk management, using case study material
December 14th: 
NHS Update – how the statutory service is coping with the increasing pressures and the impact on our clients 
March 8th: 
Dissertation Discussion – an opportunity for someone on placement to face their own fears and present their work in progress for comment
June 14th: 
How not to be nice – appropriate anger, is there such a thing and how might we use it in the therapy room

Our Study Days take place 10.00 – 3.30pm on a Saturday

Autumn November 9th: 
Anxiety and its impact
Spring February 8th: 
Trauma responses and their repercussions

Contact us for further information. 
CPD sessions are free and Study days are offered at a reduced rate to members of MCS.





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